The Stressing of Tendons of Concrete Poles
1. Placing of ReinforcementSteel shall be free from all loose rust, grease, tar, paint, oil, mud, mill scale or other coating which would tend to destroy its bond with the concrete. All reinforcing ba
The Formwork of Concrete Poles
All forms shall be built mortar-tight, of sufficient rigidity and adequately supported to prevent distortion or displacement due to the pressure of the concrete and other loads incidental to the const
The General Requirements and Materials of Concrete Poles
1. General RequirementsThis section shall be read in conjunction with Australian Standard 3600 - SAA Concrete Structures Code where applicable.The Contractor shall carry out the design of concrete mix
The Concrete Mixes of Concrete Poles
Concrete mixes shall be proportioned to produce the strength, durability and workability required by the approved mix design. The Contractor shall submit his proposed mix designs to the Superintendent
The Description and Materials of Precast Concrete Driven Piles
This work shall consist of precast reinforced or prestressed concrete piles furnished and driven in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the requirements shown on the Drawings o
The overview of Prestressed Concrete Poles
In a classic dem on stration, French Engineer Freyssinet took a normally reinforced concrete pole and a pre - stressed concrete pole both designed to the same ultimate load and subjected both poles to
VFD in concrete pile production line
I. OverviewAs an electronic speed regulating device with very high automation degree, it has wide speed regulating scope, stable speed and high precision.Furthermore, it can realize automatic control
Quality Control of Concrete Piles
Quality control of concrete piles is a challenging task. Engineers, and contractors rely on experience and well-established procedures and test standards to verify the strength, and consistency of pil